Our protective security concept
Risk assessment
- This is an essential step prior to our operational deployment
- Proactive to act before risk levels mute on characterized threat
- Defining possible evolving parameters and counter measures
- Evaluating and mitigating the risk on an optimal basis
- Defining the right manpower and optimizing cost efficiency
Local liaison capabilities
- Dedicated liaison team
- Used to work and train with foreign teams
- Capability to serve any support demand on French soil
- Guards, surveillance personel, trained with our executives protection teams
- References upon request
Advance work
- Crucial phase on the operational deployment schedule
- 80% of the success is accountable to this phase
- Circumscribe the path and pinpointing security and logistically incoherences
- Establishing feasables table top emergency scenarii
- Depicting a live picture of the environment prior to BOTG
Complementary services
- Chauffeurs, & Security drivers trained and used to work with EP teams
- Accredited Partners and signatories of our confidenciality chart
- Allowing us to control the information in the security process
- K9 Bomb sweeping, C3i strategic monitoring cell 24/7…
- SGS Consultants is accountable de facto for their performance and integrity
Assigned protective detail
- Carefully background checked and recruited after selection processes
- Ability to operate under all profile
- Educated, smarts, common sensed and experienced
- Medically trained, Neuro Linguistic programming familiars
- Reliables professionals
- Cardiac Defibrilator, medic bag, with trained operators
- Motorbikes QRF teams and Convoy escort capable vehicles
- Encrypted coms, satphones
- Vests NIJ III & IIIA, flir tic, nvg …
- Metal detector
Each dedicated team is carefully paired with Principal needs,
We have a capable reservoir of 30 experienced personnels,
SGS Companies are legal national code of ethics signatories
“Code de Déontologie et de la Sécurité Interieure”.
Copy on request
Sworm in executive protection company mandatory certification :
AUT- 061-2112-08-11-201303422763
Verspieren Insurance contract : 8602020
Under the same Shield
Sworm in complementary companies, same owner, same motto.